Monday, October 11, 2010

Halloween Movie Marathon

I'm not a horror movie guy.  Why?  Because they totally scare me.  Ever since seeing the Matrix at a tender age I've respected the power of a film to totally derail my mental state.  I watched The Sixth Sense when I was around 16 and still went to bed with the lights on.  Yeah, that's right, The Sixth Sense, like the least scary of scary movies.  But I did learn something from the experience.  While I detest horror films, I am a fan of the scary movie.  There's a difference.  Allow me to explain:

Horror movie - Affects you by means of shock and disgust.  Revels in the grotesque to the point of creating a pornography of violence.
Examples:  Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Saw, Hostel.

Scary movie - Frightens you by challenging your mind with a mood of fear and suspense without resorting to graphic offensiveness.  Horrific events tend to be more suggested than depicted and vary in style (this is encompasses many genres).  There are many ways to scare somebody and many different flavors of fear.
Examples:  The Sixth Sense, The Devil's Backbone, Alien

It should be noted, however, that it sort of ruins a scare if one knows going in just how much is left unseen.  I've often been asked after recommending a scary movie "Is this like, one of those horror movies where you don't see anything?"  Such categorizing ruins the effect.  Part of a good scare is knowing that something horrible could very likely occur at any moment, so if you're sure that most things are left unseen then you'll know what (not) to expect.  This is something I shall attempt to handle delicately to preserve the experience for you but still give you some idea of whether or not the film is too graphic to be worth watching.

Note that my ScarometerTM is especially sensitive and what frightens me may not frighten you, but if you're like me and haven't traversed too far into the teeming mass of scary movies, then this may just be the guide for you, from one frightened rabbit to another.

My prospective list is as follows.  Note that these picks span several genres and decades:

Let The Right One In
The Shining
The Orphanage
Donnie Darko
Nosferatu (1929)
Nosferatu: Phantom Der Nacht (1979)
The Mist
Night Watch
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Cape Fear
The Host
Night of the Living Dead
Dark City
The Ring

We'll see how many myself and my romantically obligated companion (the supportive yet considerably braver-than-I Miss Schmunk) can get to before the 31st at which point I shall shun all other Halloween activities, including Trick-Or-Treating, to finally view AMC's long-awaited comic adaptation The Walking Dead.  Which shall rule.  You can be certain of that.  Get your freak on.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you want a good laugh, you need to check out the newest remake of The Mist, featuring the pretty boy from Smallville.

Please don't ask me why I have seen it. There was a large group. They all wanted to see it. They bought my ticket. I didn't want to be "that guy" who has to see something else. It was out of my control. I swear.